
During a healing session I act as a channel for divine energy. The healing does not come from me – it comes through me from Spirit/Source/God.

Every healing session is different. Before or at the beginning of a healing session, I tune in to the guides of the person coming for healing to see what’s needed most. Sometimes I use Rahanni or Reiki and sometimes I just go where I’m guided, following where my own and my client’s spirit teams request. Occasionally I do some trance healing as part of a session. Whether you’re suffering from chronic illness or just need a pick-me-up, hands-on healing can help you.

Healing can also be done at a distance so I can work with people who can’t be here with me in person or on children who might find it difficult to sit still for long enough.

During many healing sessions I am given some intuitive guidance from your spirit team to help you with your current life situation and direction. This is true of both in-person and distance healing.

Drawing on my experience of many years as a homoeopath, I may also prescribe or administer homoeopathic remedies and flower essences as part of your healing journey and/or in the moment during a healing session.

What to expect during and after a healing session

In-person: during an in-person healing session you can lie down or sit if you prefer. With your permission I may put my hands on your head, shoulders, abdomen or legs/arms. I also work on the level of the aura so if you prefer not to be touched at all, the healing will still work. Before you arrive, I attune to your spirit team who will be working with us and with my own helpers in spirit.

A typical in-person session takes about an hour, including getting settled and having a quick chat at the end to discuss anything that may have come up. Sometimes we talk a bit during the session and other sessions are very quiet.

Distance: Similarly, before a distance healing session I attune to your spirit team. We check in by phone/text/email beforehand or at the beginning of the session. You sit/lie in a comfortable position and let the healing do its work on you. Afterwards we can check in again to see how things went and to discuss anything that may have come up during the session.

How many sessions/how often?

Every person and every session is different, but there are some general guidelines here:

  • If you’ve had a condition for a very long time, it’s likely that you’ll need a number of sessions to bring you back to health.
  • Conversely, if you’re just feeling a bit off, but are generally in good shape, it’s likely that you’ll just need one or two sessions at that time.
  • Some people come for a session every few weeks or months to rebalance their energy field and maintain health.
  • Energy healing can be very relaxing and grounding, something to help you move through the more demanding periods in life.

What to expect afterwards:

People tend to feel very relaxed, grounded and balanced after a healing session. Some people report feeling more in tune with the world of spirit. Others feel sensations in the body as we work (even with distance healing).

If there’s a lot of movement in a given session you can sometimes feel a bit tired in the a day or two afterwards as your system re-adjusts. This is normal and healthy, particularly if you’ve been going through a busy period. It should pass relatively quickly.

Some people report having more energy and find themselves moving on with their lifes with a new purpose.

The after-effects of a healing session are as individual as the person and the session. If you aren’t sure about how you feel in the days after a healing session, please feel free to contact me for reassurance.