
You can book a session by phoning/texting me on +353 87 7599112. I’ll send you a payment link and we can arrange a time. Payment is required up-front before an online/phone session goes ahead.

No permission is given to post any element of a reading/healing session on social media. You may take written notes if you would like to but I do not consent to being recorded.

Three days’ notice is required for cancellations. Missed appointments and cancellations without sufficient notice will be charged at the full rate.

In-person healing session (1 hr)€60
Distance healing session (1 hr including pre- and post-healing phone calls/texts)€60
Readings (30 mins approx)€40
Homoeopathic remedies/Flower essences prescribed as part of a healing session, offered as an optional extra to continue to support the client in the weeks/months that follow.€5-15
Payment for in-person visits in cash only if possible. Thank you.
To hear about new workshops/special offers – join my mailing list: please text your email address to +353 87 7599112 or send it to

Please read the following before you book a session:

The focus of our work together is your spiritual growth. I offer no guarantees as to who will come through from spirit. Neither can I predict the future. I can suggest potentials to take you further along your spiritual/life path and provide a wider awareness to help you make decisions but what you do with the information I give you is entirely your own responsibility. Take from it what resonates and leave the rest.

Healing sessions are never a substitute for appropriate medical attention elsewhere if required. If in doubt, get your symptoms checked by a medical professional. There is always scope for us to work together but it is best to have a diagnosis and, if appropriate, be engaged in medical treatment.

If you’re not sure about something that has happened during or after a healing session, after a reading or while you are taking homoeopathic medicine, it is best to contact me so that we can discuss it and change our course of action if necessary. My experience is that text messages are not sufficient to convey the nuances of any such situation so I would strongly recommend that you ring/email me and leave a more detailed message. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I do my very best to make your healing space as private as possible. Please email me on if you would like a copy of my privacy policy.