
Readings can be done in person, online or by phone. A typical session lasts about thirty minutes.

During a reading I may use a combination of psychic reading and/or contact with the spirit world. Where possible, in the moment, I will tell you which of the two I am using. Thus you can be clear which guidance comes from your loved ones in spirit or your spirit guides and which is coming from my reading of your own energy field directly.

My work is intended to widen your field of awareness to allow you to make more informed decisions and to provide healing on all levels of your being. But I am just a facilitator; your healing journey is very much your own.

Readings can provide guidance on relationships, career or business direction, exploration of your spiritual path, to name a few. People who find themselves at a crossroads in life can also benefit from a reading.

I work in several different ways, occasionally using more than one approach in a given session.

  • Psychic readings are concerned with various aspects of your life at present. I tune in to your energy body (aura) to see what guidance can be given to you in terms of clarity about existing situations and also potentials moving forward. It can also help you to understand elements of your life from a different perspective. Although I can never predict the future, it is possible to see what potentials there are to work towards and to suggest directions.
  • Occasionally I use tarot, oracle or colour cards when they are requested or when I feel that they would bring some new insight to a situation.
  • Sometimes, I ask for a guide(s) to step forward to give you their perspective. Often this can be quite different to what you might expect on a human level and their gentle, loving presence can be very illuminating.
  • Although we can get caught up in daily life and our material concerns, sometimes our souls have a desire for expression in a different way. The aim of a soul reading is to ensure that we know at a conscious level what our soul desires, so that we can take steps to align ourselves more closely with our soul path.
  • Sometimes we have a visit from someone who’s passed on to the spirit world (also known as an evidential reading). It’s lovely to feel that our loved ones are still looking out for us from the other side, to feel that their love for us has not changed. This can be very healing. My own experience has been that the messages that have come back from people who have passed have been life-changing, affirming at a deep level and have left me feeling able to move forward with my life in a more empowered, independent way.

It is not suggested to come for an evidential reading when you are in active grief, ie in the first few days/weeks or even months after the death of the person in spirit. This can leave us feeling too raw afterwards and sometimes the person in spirit may not be ready for communication either.

As I am also an experienced homoeopath I may prescribe remedies and/or flower essences to help you if you are having diffulties in the grieving process. These are entirely optional.